
We, Candle Electric Solutions Private Limited, India’s leading IoT Manufacturer develop Products & Software under the brand 'Candle One Automation’ and which complies with the government's Make in India initiative.

Candle primarily focuses on the market of IoT products for the coming Era of IoT, AI and ML over the globe to satisfy customers having residential buildings, offices, enterprises and industries.

This strategy helps in providing a complete IoT ecosystem, we just call it the 'Candle Cosmos Ecosystem | Making Earth Green’. Our R&D is strong enough to bring new technologies to the market and provide customers with a best-in-class IoT experience.

All the products that come under the Cosmos Ecosystem are capable of providing Energy Saving Technologies and various Demand Side Management(DSM) techniques.

Candle is so dedicated to providing quality products in the market and top-notch customer support and after-sales service. We do market our products in such areas, where we can directly provide 24X7 customer support and product service and warranty support in a maximum of 7 working days.

In each country depending on the market volume, we are providing dedicated RMA and service points. This helps the customers to get quick service in an even quicker time.

Our Product Portfolio

The Candle Cosmos Ecosystem